How to Hide Blue Tick in FM WhatsApp Android?

FM WhatsApp is an application that has gained popularity among people because of its additional features that the original app doesn’t offer.

Its interface is just like the original one so it is user-friendly, even people with less technical knowledge can also use this app.

One of the features is that you can also hide a blue tick. In this article, we will inform you about this feature and how to activate it on your FM WhatsApp.

About FM WhatsApp

FM WhatsApp is a third-party application, created by some independent developers. This app is just like the original one but has some additional features, one of which is that you can hide blue ticks.

People will not be able to see whether you have seen their messages. Many people want this feature for extra privacy.

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How to Hide Blue Tick in FM WhatsApp Android?

Here are some steps through which you can hide the blue tick:

Step 1: Open your FM WhatsApp and click on the three dots, present in the top right corner.

Step 2: Click on the 1st option “Mods”.

Step 3: Now select “Privacy and Security”.

Step 4: Scroll down a bit, and you’ll see an option “Show blue ticks after reply” Turn on that option.

By following these steps, you can easily hide blue ticks in FM WhatsApp.


FM WhatsApp is a popular app among people because of its additional features that the original app doesn’t offer, one of those features is that you can hide blue ticks for more privacy.

Before downloading the app make sure you download it from a trusted source to be on the safer side because this is a third-party application and hacking and banning of an account is quite easy.

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